using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.InputSystem; namespace BNG { public class LocomotionManager : MonoBehaviour { [Header("Locomotion Type")] /// /// Default locomotion to use if nothing stored in playerprefs. 0 = Teleport. 1 = SmoothLocomotion /// [Tooltip("Default locomotion to use if nothing stored in playerprefs. 0 = Teleport. 1 = SmoothLocomotion")] public LocomotionType DefaultLocomotion = LocomotionType.Teleport; LocomotionType selectedLocomotion = LocomotionType.Teleport; public LocomotionType SelectedLocomotion { get { return selectedLocomotion; } } /// /// If true, locomotion type will be saved and loaded from player prefs /// [Header("Save / Loading")] [Tooltip("If true, locomotion type will be saved and loaded from player prefs")] public bool LoadLocomotionFromPrefs = false; [Header("Input")] //[Tooltip("The key(s) to use to toggle locomotion type")] public List locomotionToggleInput = new List() { ControllerBinding.None }; [Tooltip("The action used to toggle locomotion type")] public InputActionReference LocomotionToggleAction; BNGPlayerController player; PlayerTeleport teleport; SmoothLocomotion smoothLocomotion; void Start() { player = GetComponentInChildren(); teleport = GetComponentInChildren(); // Load Locomotion Preference if (LoadLocomotionFromPrefs) { ChangeLocomotion(PlayerPrefs.GetInt("LocomotionSelection", 0) == 0 ? LocomotionType.Teleport : LocomotionType.SmoothLocomotion, false); } else { ChangeLocomotion(DefaultLocomotion, false); } } bool actionToggle = false; void Update() { // Make sure we don't double toggle our inputs if(!actionToggle) { CheckControllerToggleInput(); } actionToggle = false; } public virtual void CheckControllerToggleInput() { // Check for bound controller button for (int x = 0; x < locomotionToggleInput.Count; x++) { if (InputBridge.Instance.GetControllerBindingValue(locomotionToggleInput[x])) { Debug.Log("Toggle Raw Input"); LocomotionToggle(); } } } void OnEnable() { if(LocomotionToggleAction) { LocomotionToggleAction.action.Enable(); LocomotionToggleAction.action.performed += OnLocomotionToggle; } } void OnDisable() { if (LocomotionToggleAction) { LocomotionToggleAction.action.Disable(); LocomotionToggleAction.action.performed -= OnLocomotionToggle; } } public void OnLocomotionToggle(InputAction.CallbackContext context) { actionToggle = true; LocomotionToggle(); } public void LocomotionToggle() { // Toggle the locomotion ChangeLocomotion(SelectedLocomotion == LocomotionType.SmoothLocomotion ? LocomotionType.Teleport : LocomotionType.SmoothLocomotion, LoadLocomotionFromPrefs); } public void UpdateTeleportStatus() { teleport.enabled = SelectedLocomotion == LocomotionType.Teleport; } public void ChangeLocomotion(LocomotionType locomotionType, bool save) { ChangeLocomotionType(locomotionType); if (save) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("LocomotionSelection", locomotionType == LocomotionType.Teleport ? 0 : 1); } UpdateTeleportStatus(); } public void ChangeLocomotionType(LocomotionType loc) { selectedLocomotion = loc; // Make sure Smooth Locomotion is available if (smoothLocomotion == null) { smoothLocomotion = GetComponentInChildren(); } if (teleport == null) { teleport = GetComponentInChildren(); } toggleTeleport(selectedLocomotion == LocomotionType.Teleport); toggleSmoothLocomotion(selectedLocomotion == LocomotionType.SmoothLocomotion); } void toggleTeleport(bool enabled) { if (enabled) { teleport.EnableTeleportation(); } else { teleport.DisableTeleportation(); } } void toggleSmoothLocomotion(bool enabled) { if (smoothLocomotion) { smoothLocomotion.enabled = enabled; } } public void ToggleLocomotionType() { // Toggle based on last value if (selectedLocomotion == LocomotionType.SmoothLocomotion) { ChangeLocomotionType(LocomotionType.Teleport); } else { ChangeLocomotionType(LocomotionType.SmoothLocomotion); } } } }