/*********************************************************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2023 Burning Mime Software, LLC. This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. ***********************************************************************************************************************/ #nullable enable // ReSharper disable Unity.PreferAddressByIdToGraphicsParams using System; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering; using UDebug = UnityEngine.Debug; using UObject = UnityEngine.Object; namespace burningmime.unity.editor { static class AmbientCGZipImporter { public enum MaterialCreationMode { DEFAULT, SMOOTHNESS_IN_ALBEDO, SINGLE_MAP, INCLUDE_HEIGHT_MAP, HEIGHT_MAP_IN_BLUE } private enum TextureKind { SRGB, LINEAR, NORMAL_MAP } public static Material importZipFile(string zipFile, string outDir, string name, MaterialCreationMode mode, Shader shader) { ExtractedTextures textures = extractTextures(zipFile, ref mode); return generateMaterial(outDir, name, shader, textures, mode); } private static ExtractedTextures extractTextures(string zipFile, ref MaterialCreationMode mode) { TempTextures tt = new(); try { bool needNormal = mode is not MaterialCreationMode.SINGLE_MAP; bool needOcclusion = mode is not MaterialCreationMode.SINGLE_MAP or MaterialCreationMode.SMOOTHNESS_IN_ALBEDO; bool needHeight = mode is MaterialCreationMode.INCLUDE_HEIGHT_MAP or MaterialCreationMode.HEIGHT_MAP_IN_BLUE; using ZipArchive arc = new(File.OpenRead(zipFile), ZipArchiveMode.Read); tt.albedo = loadEntry(arc, "_color", true, true)!; tt.normal = needNormal ? loadEntry(arc, "_normalgl", false, true) : default; tt.metalness = loadEntry(arc, "_metalness", false, false); tt.roughness = loadEntry(arc, "_roughness", false, true)!; tt.occlusion = needOcclusion ? loadEntry(arc, "_ambientocclusion", false, false) : null; tt.height = null; if(needHeight) { // sometimes there won't be a height map included, so just revert to default mode tt.height = loadEntry(arc, "_displacement", false, false); if(!tt.height) { UDebug.LogWarning($"Missing height map in zip file {Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(zipFile)} -- reverting to non-height-mapped mode"); mode = MaterialCreationMode.DEFAULT; } } if(mode is MaterialCreationMode.SMOOTHNESS_IN_ALBEDO or MaterialCreationMode.SINGLE_MAP) { return new ExtractedTextures { albedo = mergeSmoothnessToAlbedoAlpha(ref tt.albedo, ref tt.roughness), normal = claimTexture(ref tt.normal)!, metalness = tt.metalness ? getAverageMetalness(tt.metalness!) : 0 }; } else { Texture2D? n = null; Texture2D mos = mode == MaterialCreationMode.HEIGHT_MAP_IN_BLUE ? generateMos(ref tt.metalness, ref tt.occlusion, ref tt.height, ref tt.roughness) : generateMos(ref tt.metalness, ref tt.occlusion, ref n, ref tt.roughness); return new ExtractedTextures { albedo = claimTexture(ref tt.albedo)!, normal = claimTexture(ref tt.normal)!, mos = mos, height = mode == MaterialCreationMode.INCLUDE_HEIGHT_MAP ? claimTexture(ref tt.height) : null, metalness = 1 }; } } finally { tt.Dispose(); } } private static Texture2D? loadEntry(ZipArchive arc, string suffix, bool sRGB, bool throwIfNotFound) { suffix += ".png"; ZipArchiveEntry? e = arc.Entries.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(suffix)); if(e != null) { GraphicsFormat format = sRGB ? GraphicsFormat.R8G8B8A8_SRGB : GraphicsFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm; Texture2D t = new(1, 1, format, TextureCreationFlags.None); using Stream es = e.Open(); using MemoryStream ms = new(); es.CopyTo(ms); t.LoadImage(ms.ToArray(), false); t.name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(e.Name); return t; } else if(throwIfNotFound) throw new Exception($"Could not find entry ending with {suffix} in [{string.Join(", ", arc.Entries.Select(x => x.Name))}]"); else return null; } private static void matchSizes(ref Texture2D? a, ref Texture2D? b, ref Texture2D? c, ref Texture2D? d) { int width = 0, height = 0; if(a) { width = Math.Max(a!.width, width); height = Math.Max(a.height, height); } if(b) { width = Math.Max(b!.width, width); height = Math.Max(b.height, height); } if(c) { width = Math.Max(c!.width, width); height = Math.Max(c.height, height); } if(d) { width = Math.Max(d!.width, width); height = Math.Max(d.height, height); } if(a && (a!.width != width || a.height != height)) { resizeTexture(ref a, width, height, true); } if(b && (b!.width != width || b.height != height)) { resizeTexture(ref b, width, height, false); } if(c && (c!.width != width || c.height != height)) { resizeTexture(ref c, width, height, false); } if(d && (d!.width != width || d.height != height)) { resizeTexture(ref d, width, height, false); } } private static void resizeTexture(ref Texture2D source, int width, int height, bool srgb) { UDebug.Log($"Resize {source.name} from {source.width}x{source.height} to {width}x{height}"); RenderTexture oldActive = RenderTexture.active; GraphicsFormat format = srgb ? GraphicsFormat.R8G8B8A8_SRGB : GraphicsFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm; RenderTexture rt = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(width, height, 0, format); try { source.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; rt.filterMode = FilterMode.Point; Graphics.Blit(source, rt); RenderTexture.active = rt; Texture2D result = new(width, height, format, TextureCreationFlags.None) { name = source.name }; result.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, width, height), 0, 0); result.Apply(); RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(rt); UObject.DestroyImmediate(source); source = result; } finally { RenderTexture.active = oldActive; RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(rt); } } private static Texture2D generateMos(ref Texture2D? metalT, ref Texture2D? occlusionT, ref Texture2D? heightT, ref Texture2D roughT) { matchSizes(ref metalT, ref occlusionT, ref heightT, ref roughT!); // ReSharper disable Unity.NoNullPropagation Color[]? metalC = metalT?.GetPixels(); Color[]? occlusionC = occlusionT?.GetPixels(); Color[]? heightC = heightT?.GetPixels(); Color[] roughC = roughT.GetPixels(); // ReSharper restore Unity.NoNullPropagation int length = roughC.Length, width = roughT.width, height = roughT.height; Color[] resultC = new Color[length]; for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { resultC[i] = new Color( metalC == null ? 0 : metalC[i].r, occlusionC == null ? 1 : occlusionC[i].r, heightC == null ? 0 : heightC[i].r, 1 - roughC[i].r); } Texture2D result = new(width, height, GraphicsFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm, TextureCreationFlags.None); result.SetPixels(resultC); return result; } private static Texture2D mergeSmoothnessToAlbedoAlpha(ref Texture2D albedoT, ref Texture2D roughT) { Texture2D? n0 = null, n1 = null; matchSizes(ref albedoT!, ref n0, ref n1, ref roughT!); Color[] albedoC = albedoT.GetPixels(); Color[] roughC = roughT.GetPixels(); int length = albedoC.Length, width = albedoT.width, height = albedoT.height; Color[] resultC = new Color[length]; for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { Color c = albedoC[i], r = roughC[i]; resultC[i] = new Color(c.r, c.g, c.b, 1 - r.r); } Texture2D result = new(width, height, GraphicsFormat.R8G8B8A8_SRGB, TextureCreationFlags.None); result.SetPixels(resultC); return result; } private static float getAverageMetalness(Texture2D metalT) { // adding up 50,000 floats and dividing by 50,000 isn't very precise. BigInteger is unacceptably slow, so // the "right" way to fix it would be to exploit the nature of IEEE floating point. However, when all the // numbers are within the same order of magnitude, there's a much simpler way. This just takes the // average once to get a "coarse" average, then averages the differences from that to obtain a "fine" // average. This is O(N), fast, simple, and quite precise. We could get slightly better by doing a few // more iterations, but it doesn't appear to make a meaningful difference. Color[] colors = metalT.GetPixels(); int length = colors.Length; double sum = 0; for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) sum += colors[i].r; double coarseAverage = sum / length; sum = 0; for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) sum += colors[i].r - coarseAverage; double diffAverage = sum / length; return (float) (coarseAverage + diffAverage); } private struct ExtractedTextures { public Texture2D albedo; public Texture2D? normal; public Texture2D? mos; public Texture2D? height; public float metalness; } private static Texture2D? claimTexture(ref Texture2D? t) { Texture2D? r = t; t = null; return r; } private struct TempTextures : IDisposable { public Texture2D? albedo; public Texture2D? normal; public Texture2D? metalness; public Texture2D? roughness; public Texture2D? occlusion; public Texture2D? height; public void Dispose() { if(albedo) UObject.DestroyImmediate(albedo); if(normal) UObject.DestroyImmediate(normal); if(metalness) UObject.DestroyImmediate(metalness); if(roughness) UObject.DestroyImmediate(roughness); if(occlusion) UObject.DestroyImmediate(occlusion); if(height) UObject.DestroyImmediate(height); } } private static void writeTexture(ref Texture2D? source, string dir, string name, string suffix, TextureKind kind) { string path = Path.Combine(dir, $"{name}_{suffix}.png"); if(source) { byte[] bytes = source.EncodeToPNG(); File.WriteAllBytes(path, bytes); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(path, ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate); if(kind != TextureKind.SRGB) { TextureImporter importer = (TextureImporter) AssetImporter.GetAtPath(path); importer.sRGBTexture = false; importer.textureType = kind switch { TextureKind.NORMAL_MAP => TextureImporterType.NormalMap, _ => TextureImporterType.Default }; importer.SaveAndReimport(); } UObject.DestroyImmediate(source); source = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path); } } private static Material generateMaterial(string dir, string name, Shader shader, ExtractedTextures textures, MaterialCreationMode mode) { // First write all the textures to disk and re-import them writeTexture(ref textures.albedo!, dir, name, "albedo", TextureKind.SRGB); writeTexture(ref textures.normal, dir, name, "normal", TextureKind.NORMAL_MAP); writeTexture(ref textures.mos, dir, name, "mos", TextureKind.LINEAR); writeTexture(ref textures.height, dir, name, "height", TextureKind.LINEAR); Material m = new(shader) { name = name }; setupMaterialProperties(m, textures, mode); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(m, Path.Combine(dir, name + ".mat")); return m; } private static void setFloat(Material material, float value, params string[] names) => setProperty(material, value, names, (m, n, v) => m.SetFloat(n, v)); private static void setTexture(Material material, Texture? value, params string[] names) => setProperty(material, value, names, (m, n, v) => m.SetTexture(n, v)); private static void setProperty(Material material, T value, string[] names, Action doSet) { bool found = false; foreach(string name in names) { if(material.HasProperty(name)) { doSet(material, name, value); found = true; } } if(!found) { StringBuilder sb = new(); sb.Append("Could not find any property named ["); for(int i = 0; i < names.Length; ++i) sb.Append(i != 0 ? ", ": "").Append(names[i]); sb.Append("] in shader ").Append(material.shader.name).Append(". You'll need to set up this property manually."); UDebug.LogWarning(sb.ToString()); } } private static void setupMaterialProperties(Material m, ExtractedTextures textures, MaterialCreationMode mode) { setTexture(m, textures.albedo, "_BaseMap", "_BaseColorMap", "_MainTex"); if(textures.normal) setTexture(m, textures.normal, "_NormalMap", "_BumpMap"); setFloat(m, textures.metalness, "_Metallic"); setFloat(m, 1, "_Smoothness", "_Glossiness"); if(mode is MaterialCreationMode.SMOOTHNESS_IN_ALBEDO or MaterialCreationMode.SINGLE_MAP) setFloat(m, 1, "_SmoothnessTextureChannel"); if(textures.mos) setTexture(m, textures.mos!, "_MaskMap", "_MetallicGlossMap", "_OcclusionMap"); if(textures.height) setTexture(m, textures.height, "_HeightMap", "_ParallaxMap"); } } }