using System; using UnityEngine; #pragma warning disable 649 namespace UnityStandardAssets.Vehicles.Aeroplane { public class AeroplaneAudio : MonoBehaviour { [Serializable] public class AdvancedSetttings // A class for storing the advanced options. { public float engineMinDistance = 50f; // The min distance of the engine audio source. public float engineMaxDistance = 1000f; // The max distance of the engine audio source. public float engineDopplerLevel = 1f; // The doppler level of the engine audio source. [Range(0f, 1f)] public float engineMasterVolume = 0.5f; // An overall control of the engine sound volume. public float windMinDistance = 10f; // The min distance of the wind audio source. public float windMaxDistance = 100f; // The max distance of the wind audio source. public float windDopplerLevel = 1f; // The doppler level of the wind audio source. [Range(0f, 1f)] public float windMasterVolume = 0.5f; // An overall control of the wind sound volume. } [SerializeField] private AudioClip m_EngineSound; // Looped engine sound, whose pitch and volume are affected by the plane's throttle setting. [SerializeField] private float m_EngineMinThrottlePitch = 0.4f; // Pitch of the engine sound when at minimum throttle. [SerializeField] private float m_EngineMaxThrottlePitch = 2f; // Pitch of the engine sound when at maximum throttle. [SerializeField] private float m_EngineFwdSpeedMultiplier = 0.002f; // Additional multiplier for an increase in pitch of the engine from the plane's speed. [SerializeField] private AudioClip m_WindSound; // Looped wind sound, whose pitch and volume are affected by the plane's velocity. [SerializeField] private float m_WindBasePitch = 0.2f; // starting pitch for wind (when plane is at zero speed) [SerializeField] private float m_WindSpeedPitchFactor = 0.004f; // Relative increase in pitch of the wind from the plane's speed. [SerializeField] private float m_WindMaxSpeedVolume = 100; // the speed the aircraft much reach before the wind sound reaches maximum volume. [SerializeField] private AdvancedSetttings m_AdvancedSetttings = new AdvancedSetttings();// container to make advanced settings appear as rollout in inspector private AudioSource m_EngineSoundSource; // Reference to the AudioSource for the engine. private AudioSource m_WindSoundSource; // Reference to the AudioSource for the wind. private AeroplaneController m_Plane; // Reference to the aeroplane controller. private Rigidbody m_Rigidbody; private void Awake() { // Set up the reference to the aeroplane controller. m_Plane = GetComponent(); m_Rigidbody = GetComponent(); // Add the audiosources and get the references. m_EngineSoundSource = gameObject.AddComponent(); m_EngineSoundSource.playOnAwake = false; m_WindSoundSource = gameObject.AddComponent(); m_WindSoundSource.playOnAwake = false; // Assign clips to the audiosources. m_EngineSoundSource.clip = m_EngineSound; m_WindSoundSource.clip = m_WindSound; // Set the parameters of the audiosources. m_EngineSoundSource.minDistance = m_AdvancedSetttings.engineMinDistance; m_EngineSoundSource.maxDistance = m_AdvancedSetttings.engineMaxDistance; m_EngineSoundSource.loop = true; m_EngineSoundSource.dopplerLevel = m_AdvancedSetttings.engineDopplerLevel; m_WindSoundSource.minDistance = m_AdvancedSetttings.windMinDistance; m_WindSoundSource.maxDistance = m_AdvancedSetttings.windMaxDistance; m_WindSoundSource.loop = true; m_WindSoundSource.dopplerLevel = m_AdvancedSetttings.windDopplerLevel; // call update here to set the sounds pitch and volumes before they actually play Update(); // Start the sounds playing. m_EngineSoundSource.Play(); m_WindSoundSource.Play(); } private void Update() { // Find what proportion of the engine's power is being used. var enginePowerProportion = Mathf.InverseLerp(0, m_Plane.MaxEnginePower, m_Plane.EnginePower); // Set the engine's pitch to be proportional to the engine's current power. m_EngineSoundSource.pitch = Mathf.Lerp(m_EngineMinThrottlePitch, m_EngineMaxThrottlePitch, enginePowerProportion); // Increase the engine's pitch by an amount proportional to the aeroplane's forward speed. // (this makes the pitch increase when going into a dive!) m_EngineSoundSource.pitch += m_Plane.ForwardSpeed*m_EngineFwdSpeedMultiplier; // Set the engine's volume to be proportional to the engine's current power. m_EngineSoundSource.volume = Mathf.InverseLerp(0, m_Plane.MaxEnginePower*m_AdvancedSetttings.engineMasterVolume, m_Plane.EnginePower); // Set the wind's pitch and volume to be proportional to the aeroplane's forward speed. float planeSpeed = m_Rigidbody.velocity.magnitude; m_WindSoundSource.pitch = m_WindBasePitch + planeSpeed*m_WindSpeedPitchFactor; m_WindSoundSource.volume = Mathf.InverseLerp(0, m_WindMaxSpeedVolume, planeSpeed)*m_AdvancedSetttings.windMasterVolume; } } }