using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEditor; namespace UnityStandardAssets.CrossPlatformInput.Inspector { [InitializeOnLoad] public class CrossPlatformInitialize { // Custom compiler defines: // // CROSS_PLATFORM_INPUT : denotes that cross platform input package exists, so that other packages can use their CrossPlatformInput functions. // EDITOR_MOBILE_INPUT : denotes that mobile input should be used in editor, if a mobile build target is selected. (i.e. using Unity Remote app). // MOBILE_INPUT : denotes that mobile input should be used right now! static CrossPlatformInitialize() { var defines = GetDefinesList(buildTargetGroups[0]); if (!defines.Contains("CROSS_PLATFORM_INPUT")) { SetEnabled("CROSS_PLATFORM_INPUT", true, false); SetEnabled("MOBILE_INPUT", true, true); } } [MenuItem("Mobile Input/Enable")] private static void Enable() { SetEnabled("MOBILE_INPUT", true, true); switch (EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget) { case BuildTarget.Android: case BuildTarget.iOS: case BuildTarget.WSAPlayer: EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Mobile Input", "You have enabled Mobile Input. You'll need to use the Unity Remote app on a connected device to control your game in the Editor.", "OK"); break; default: EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Mobile Input", "You have enabled Mobile Input, but you have a non-mobile build target selected in your build settings. The mobile control rigs won't be active or visible on-screen until you switch the build target to a mobile platform.", "OK"); break; } } [MenuItem("Mobile Input/Enable", true)] private static bool EnableValidate() { var defines = GetDefinesList(mobileBuildTargetGroups[0]); return !defines.Contains("MOBILE_INPUT"); } [MenuItem("Mobile Input/Disable")] private static void Disable() { SetEnabled("MOBILE_INPUT", false, true); switch (EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget) { case BuildTarget.Android: case BuildTarget.iOS: EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Mobile Input", "You have disabled Mobile Input. Mobile control rigs won't be visible, and the Cross Platform Input functions will always return standalone controls.", "OK"); break; } } [MenuItem("Mobile Input/Disable", true)] private static bool DisableValidate() { var defines = GetDefinesList(mobileBuildTargetGroups[0]); return defines.Contains("MOBILE_INPUT"); } private static BuildTargetGroup[] buildTargetGroups = new BuildTargetGroup[] { BuildTargetGroup.Standalone, BuildTargetGroup.Android, BuildTargetGroup.iOS }; private static BuildTargetGroup[] mobileBuildTargetGroups = new BuildTargetGroup[] { BuildTargetGroup.Android, BuildTargetGroup.iOS, BuildTargetGroup.WSA }; private static void SetEnabled(string defineName, bool enable, bool mobile) { //Debug.Log("setting "+defineName+" to "+enable); foreach (var group in mobile ? mobileBuildTargetGroups : buildTargetGroups) { var defines = GetDefinesList(group); if (enable) { if (defines.Contains(defineName)) { return; } defines.Add(defineName); } else { if (!defines.Contains(defineName)) { return; } while (defines.Contains(defineName)) { defines.Remove(defineName); } } string definesString = string.Join(";", defines.ToArray()); PlayerSettings.SetScriptingDefineSymbolsForGroup(group, definesString); } } private static List GetDefinesList(BuildTargetGroup group) { return new List(PlayerSettings.GetScriptingDefineSymbolsForGroup(group).Split(';')); } } }