using System; using UnityEngine; #pragma warning disable 649 namespace UnityStandardAssets.Vehicles.Aeroplane { public class AeroplanePropellerAnimator : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] private Transform m_PropellorModel; // The model of the the aeroplane's propellor. [SerializeField] private Transform m_PropellorBlur; // The plane used for the blurred propellor textures. [SerializeField] private Texture2D[] m_PropellorBlurTextures; // An array of increasingly blurred propellor textures. [SerializeField] [Range(0f, 1f)] private float m_ThrottleBlurStart = 0.25f; // The point at which the blurred textures start. [SerializeField] [Range(0f, 1f)] private float m_ThrottleBlurEnd = 0.5f; // The point at which the blurred textures stop changing. [SerializeField] private float m_MaxRpm = 2000; // The maximum speed the propellor can turn at. private AeroplaneController m_Plane; // Reference to the aeroplane controller. private int m_PropellorBlurState = -1; // To store the state of the blurred textures. private const float k_RpmToDps = 60f; // For converting from revs per minute to degrees per second. private Renderer m_PropellorModelRenderer; private Renderer m_PropellorBlurRenderer; private void Awake() { // Set up the reference to the aeroplane controller. m_Plane = GetComponent(); m_PropellorModelRenderer = m_PropellorModel.GetComponent(); m_PropellorBlurRenderer = m_PropellorBlur.GetComponent(); // Set the propellor blur gameobject's parent to be the propellor. m_PropellorBlur.parent = m_PropellorModel; } private void Update() { // Rotate the propellor model at a rate proportional to the throttle. m_PropellorModel.Rotate(0, m_MaxRpm*m_Plane.Throttle*Time.deltaTime*k_RpmToDps, 0); // Create an integer for the new state of the blur textures. var newBlurState = 0; // choose between the blurred textures, if the throttle is high enough if (m_Plane.Throttle > m_ThrottleBlurStart) { var throttleBlurProportion = Mathf.InverseLerp(m_ThrottleBlurStart, m_ThrottleBlurEnd, m_Plane.Throttle); newBlurState = Mathf.FloorToInt(throttleBlurProportion*(m_PropellorBlurTextures.Length - 1)); } // If the blur state has changed if (newBlurState != m_PropellorBlurState) { m_PropellorBlurState = newBlurState; if (m_PropellorBlurState == 0) { // switch to using the 'real' propellor model m_PropellorModelRenderer.enabled = true; m_PropellorBlurRenderer.enabled = false; } else { // Otherwise turn off the propellor model and turn on the blur. m_PropellorModelRenderer.enabled = false; m_PropellorBlurRenderer.enabled = true; // set the appropriate texture from the blur array m_PropellorBlurRenderer.material.mainTexture = m_PropellorBlurTextures[m_PropellorBlurState]; } } } } }