using UnityEngine;

namespace UnityUtils {
    public static class Vector3Extensions {
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets any x y z values of a Vector3
        /// </summary>
        public static Vector3 With(this Vector3 vector, float? x = null, float? y = null, float? z = null) {
            return new Vector3(x ?? vector.x, y ?? vector.y, z ?? vector.z);

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds to any x y z values of a Vector3
        /// </summary>
        public static Vector3 Add(this Vector3 vector, float x = 0, float y = 0, float z = 0) {
            return new Vector3(vector.x + x, vector.y + y, vector.z + z);

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a Boolean indicating whether the current Vector3 is in a given range from another Vector3
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="current">The current Vector3 position</param>
        /// <param name="target">The Vector3 position to compare against</param>
        /// <param name="range">The range value to compare against</param>
        /// <returns>True if the current Vector3 is in the given range from the target Vector3, false otherwise</returns>
        public static bool InRangeOf(this Vector3 current, Vector3 target, float range) {
            return (current - target).sqrMagnitude <= range * range;
        /// <summary>
        /// Divides two Vector3 objects component-wise.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// For each component in v0 (x, y, z), it is divided by the corresponding component in v1 if the component in v1 is not zero. 
        /// Otherwise, the component in v0 remains unchanged.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <example>
        /// Use 'ComponentDivide' to scale a game object proportionally:
        /// <code>
        /// myObject.transform.localScale = originalScale.ComponentDivide(targetDimensions);
        /// </code>
        /// This scales the object size to fit within the target dimensions while maintaining its original proportions.
        /// <param name="v0">The Vector3 object that this method extends.</param>
        /// <param name="v1">The Vector3 object by which v0 is divided.</param>
        /// <returns>A new Vector3 object resulting from the component-wise division.</returns>
        public static Vector3 ComponentDivide(this Vector3 v0, Vector3 v1){
            return new Vector3( 
                v1.x != 0 ? v0.x / v1.x : v0.x, 
                v1.y != 0 ? v0.y / v1.y : v0.y, 
                v1.z != 0 ? v0.z / v1.z : v0.z);  