using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Unity.VisualScripting; using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Drawing; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Analytics; using UnityEngine.Rendering; using UnityUtils; public class RopeSimulator : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] private float gravity = 10; [SerializeField] private int solveIterations = 10; [SerializeField] private bool constrainStickMinLength; [SerializeField] RopeJoint start, end; [SerializeField] int subDivision = 50; [SerializeField] float collisionCheckDist = 0.5f; [SerializeField, Range(0f, 1f)] float distBetweenRopePoints = 0.1f; [SerializeField, Range(0.01f, 1f)] float ropeRadius; [SerializeField] float ignoreResolveThreshold = 0.08f; [SerializeField] Transform ropeCollidersParent; [SerializeField] LayerMask staticColliderMask; [SerializeField, Range(0f, 100f)] float pullForce = 20f; [SerializeField] float xyGravityDampScalor = 1f; [Header("Rendering")] [SerializeField] LineRenderer lineRenderer; int[] order; Rope rope; Dictionary<Collider2D, float> colliderToSquezeForce = new(); private void Start() { //rope = new RopeBuilder() // .AddPoint(new Point(testPos, locked: true)) // .AddPoint(new Point(testPos.Add(x:5f))) // .AddPoint(new Point(testPos.Add(x: 10f))) // .AddPoint(new Point(testPos.Add(x: 15f))) // .AddPoint(new Point(testPos.Add(x: 20f))) // .ConnectPoints(0, 1) // .ConnectPoints(1, 2) // .ConnectPoints(2, 3) // .ConnectPoints(3, 4) // .Build(); RopeBuilder builder = new RopeBuilder(); builder.AddPoint(new Point(start.position, locked: true)); for (int i = 1; i < subDivision; i++) { Vector3 pointPos = Vector3.Lerp(start.position, end.position, (float)i / (float)subDivision); //Debug.Log($"pos: {pointPos}, t={i / subDivision}"); Debug.DrawRay(pointPos, (end.position - start.position).normalized); builder.AddPoint(new Point(pointPos)); } builder.AddPoint(new Point(end.position, locked: true)); for (int i = 0; i < subDivision; i++) { builder.ConnectPointsWithDesiredLength(i, i + 1, desiredLength: distBetweenRopePoints); } rope = builder.Build(); foreach (var point in rope.points) { GameObject ropeCollider = new GameObject("Rope Collider"); ropeCollider.transform.parent = ropeCollidersParent; ropeCollider.transform.position = point.position; ropeCollider.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Rope"); var colliderComponent = ropeCollider.AddComponent<CircleCollider2D>(); colliderComponent.radius = ropeRadius; var rigidBody = ropeCollider.AddComponent<Rigidbody2D>(); rigidBody.isKinematic = true; } CreateOrderArray(); } private void Update() { colliderToSquezeForce.Clear(); rope.points.First().position = start.position; rope.points.Last().position = end.position; Simulate(); // Update the rope collider positions for (int i = 0; i < rope.points.Count; i++) { ropeCollidersParent.GetChild(i).position = rope.points[i].position; } // Handle static colliders foreach (var point in rope.points) { if (point.locked) continue; HandleStaticCollidersOfPoint(point); } // Constrain start transform based on overshoot float overshoot = rope.CalculateLengthOvershoot(); if (overshoot > 0) { //start.position = prevStartPos; float divider = !start.locked && !end.locked ? 2f : 1f; if (!start.locked) { Vector2 pullDirection = (rope.points[1].position - start.position).normalized; Vector2 force = pullDirection * overshoot * (pullForce / divider); start.body.AddForce(force); } if (!end.locked) { Vector2 pullDirection = (rope.points[rope.points.Count - 2].position - end.position).normalized; Vector2 force = pullDirection * overshoot * (pullForce / divider); end.body.AddForce(force); } } // Handle squeze kills foreach (var collider in colliderToSquezeForce) { ISquezeDamageReceiver squezeDamageReceiver = collider.Key.GetComponent<ISquezeDamageReceiver>(); if (squezeDamageReceiver == null) continue; squezeDamageReceiver.TakeSquezeDamage(collider.Value); } // Update line renderer var positions = rope.points.Select(p => new Vector3(p.position.x, p.position.y, 0f)).ToArray(); lineRenderer.positionCount = positions.Length; lineRenderer.SetPositions(positions); // Handle xy dampening on z gravity foreach (var point in rope.points) { if (point.position.z >= 0f) continue; Vector2 newXYPos = Vector2.MoveTowards(new Vector2(point.position.x, point.position.y), new Vector2(point.prevPosition.x, point.prevPosition.y), Mathf.Abs(point.position.z * xyGravityDampScalor)); point.position.Set(newXYPos.x, newXYPos.y, 0f); } } private void OnDrawGizmos() { if (!Application.isPlaying) return; foreach (var point in rope.points) { //Debug.Log($"pos: {point.position}"); Gizmos.DrawSphere(point.position, ropeRadius); } } void Simulate() { foreach (Point p in rope.points) { if (!p.locked) { Vector3 positionBeforeUpdate = p.position; p.position += p.position - p.prevPosition; p.position.z -= gravity * Time.deltaTime * Time.deltaTime; p.prevPosition = positionBeforeUpdate; } } for (int i = 0; i < solveIterations; i++) { for (int s = 0; s < rope.sticks.Count; s++) { Stick stick = rope.sticks[order[s]]; if (stick.dead) { continue; } Vector3 stickCentre = (stick.A.position + stick.B.position) / 2; Vector3 stickDir = (stick.A.position - stick.B.position).normalized; float length = (stick.A.position - stick.B.position).magnitude; if (length > stick.desiredLength || constrainStickMinLength) { if (!stick.A.locked) { TryMovePointToPosition(stick.A, stickCentre + stickDir * stick.desiredLength / 2); } if (!stick.B.locked) { TryMovePointToPosition(stick.B, stickCentre - stickDir * stick.desiredLength / 2); } } } } } private void TryMovePointToPosition(Point point, Vector3 position) { Vector2 moveDir = new Vector2(position.x, position.y) - new Vector2(point.position.x, point.position.y); int stepsRequired = (int) Mathf.Ceil(moveDir.magnitude / collisionCheckDist); moveDir.Normalize(); Vector2 initialPos = new Vector2(point.position.x, point.position.y); bool shouldBreak = false; for (int i = 0 ; i < stepsRequired; i++) { Vector2 newPos = Vector2.MoveTowards(new Vector2(point.position.x, point.position.y), new Vector2(position.x, position.y), collisionCheckDist); point.position.Set(newPos.x, newPos.y, point.position.z); foreach (var collider in Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(point.position, ropeRadius, staticColliderMask)) { if (collider == null) continue; if (collider.isTrigger) continue; // A static collider was met, dont move any further Vector2 resolvedPos = collider.ClosestPoint(initialPos); if (Vector2.Distance(initialPos, resolvedPos) < ignoreResolveThreshold) continue; Vector2 penetrationDir = (resolvedPos - new Vector2(point.position.x, point.position.y)).normalized; Vector2 finalPos = resolvedPos - penetrationDir * ropeRadius; //Debug.Log($"resolved pos: {point.position}->{finalPos}"); point.position.Set(finalPos.x, finalPos.y, point.position.z); shouldBreak = true; break; } if (shouldBreak) break; } // Move z position point.position.z = position.z; } private void HandleStaticCollidersOfPoint(Point p) { foreach (var hitCollider in Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(p.position, ropeRadius, staticColliderMask)) { if (hitCollider == null) continue; if (hitCollider.isTrigger) continue; // Register the squeze force this rope particle is squezing the collider Vector2 pointPos = new Vector2(p.position.x, p.position.y); Vector2 resolvedPos = hitCollider.ClosestPoint(pointPos); Vector2 penetration = resolvedPos - pointPos; Vector2 finalPos = resolvedPos - penetration.normalized * ropeRadius; float squezeForce; if (!colliderToSquezeForce.TryGetValue(hitCollider, out squezeForce)) colliderToSquezeForce.Add(hitCollider, squezeForce + penetration.magnitude); else colliderToSquezeForce[hitCollider] = squezeForce + penetration.magnitude; p.position.Set(finalPos.x, finalPos.y, p.position.z); } } void CreateOrderArray() { order = new int[rope.sticks.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < order.Length; i++) { order[i] = i; } ShuffleArray(order, new System.Random()); } public static T[] ShuffleArray<T>(T[] array, System.Random prng) { int elementsRemainingToShuffle = array.Length; int randomIndex = 0; while (elementsRemainingToShuffle > 1) { // Choose a random element from array randomIndex = prng.Next(0, elementsRemainingToShuffle); T chosenElement = array[randomIndex]; // Swap the randomly chosen element with the last unshuffled element in the array elementsRemainingToShuffle--; array[randomIndex] = array[elementsRemainingToShuffle]; array[elementsRemainingToShuffle] = chosenElement; } return array; } }