using System; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; namespace ParrelSync.Update { /// <summary> /// A simple update checker /// </summary> public class UpdateChecker { //const string LocalVersionFilePath = "Assets/ParrelSync/VERSION.txt"; public const string LocalVersion = "1.5.2"; [MenuItem("ParrelSync/Check for update", priority = 20)] static void CheckForUpdate() { using (System.Net.WebClient client = new System.Net.WebClient()) { try { //This won't work with UPM packages //string localVersionText = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<TextAsset>(LocalVersionFilePath).text; string localVersionText = LocalVersion; Debug.Log("Local version text : " + LocalVersion); string latesteVersionText = client.DownloadString(ExternalLinks.RemoteVersionURL); Debug.Log("latest version text got: " + latesteVersionText); string messageBody = "Current Version: " + localVersionText +"\n" +"Latest Version: " + latesteVersionText + "\n"; var latestVersion = new Version(latesteVersionText); var localVersion = new Version(localVersionText); if (latestVersion > localVersion) { Debug.Log("There's a newer version"); messageBody += "There's a newer version available"; if(EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Check for update.", messageBody, "Get latest release", "Close")) { Application.OpenURL(ExternalLinks.Releases); } } else { Debug.Log("Current version is up-to-date."); messageBody += "Current version is up-to-date."; EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Check for update.", messageBody,"OK"); } } catch (Exception exp) { Debug.LogError("Error with checking update. Exception: " + exp); EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Update Error","Error with checking update. \nSee console for more details.", "OK" ); } } } } }